I’m Tereza
I am an Amsterdam-based product designer with a Master’s degree in New Media Design and 5 years experience in the field. I am passionate about measuring the impact of design solutions and dedicated to continuous learning and growth.
Currently, I work at AssistiveWare, where I develop native augmentative and alternative communication products that empower children with autism or cerebral palsy to communicate. Prior to this, I worked at ChargePoint or ParkNow - one of the leading parking apps in the Netherlands.
Some people might call me nerdy - with my partner and friends we like to go to Elfia or Castlefest, play board or online games (well I mainly play Battlefield V, I am somehow into WWII books, moveis, documentaries and apparently I also enjoy fighting as a medic soldier with Type 100 or Jungle Carabine). I love animals and I am quite passionate about protecting them. I also like to boulder, with my partner we were very active prior to Corona but after that and by becoming parents it has been quite a challenge to go again. If you would go some day hit me up, I’d love to join a session.